Jared’s “Running Up for Air” has become the SLC winter classic. It truly is a blast to hang out with a pile of other runners, all in support of Breathe Utah. There’s lots of great information out there about the race’s history, how bad SLC’s air is in the winter, and perhaps about what a slow of climber I am. But I had so much fun this year that I thought I’d share a few pictures.
I had a professional conference that bled into the early afternoon, leaving me to run with the 3pm Six Hour Crew. Last year I ran the Twelver and was anxious to try again that length again – but just couldn’t make it. Perhaps another year I’ll be courageous enough to run with the Twenty-Four Hour Crew.
This year I just tried to have fun and not get caught in my head. It worked.
And having beefy spikes also worked (note to self).